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1658 Map

Wijckel church 


Wijckel, Friesland

Postcard above is of the modern day village of Wijckel, Friesland--dominated by the 17th century church tower.

Photo above is of the 17th century church of Wijckel, Friesland. It was in this church that Garret and Evert Van Wickelen, sons of Jentie^1 Jeppes were baptized in 1659 and 1660 respectively. 

Interior of the church sanctuary, Wijckel, Friesland. One can see that Jentie Jeppes and his family of five would have definitely been well known in a congregation that appears to have numbered less than 100. Most likely the 1659 and 1660 baptisms of Garret and Evert Van Wickelen took place in this room.

Interior room of church tower, Wijckel, Friesland church -- one level above the entry way.

[A rendering of the RDC at Wijckel, Friesland 1712 - source: http://kerken.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/IMGS/covers/root/W/Wijckel/dscf53101/dscf53101.jpg ]