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Specific source material will be listed on each VW page. However the following individuals and sources were especially helpful. 

1. Harry Macy, Jr. - of Manhattan and Long Island, NY. (descendent of Helena Van Wicklen and also Jacob Van Wicklen) is Editor of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Record. Mr. Macy's 3-part article in Vol. 128 of the NYG&BR (April, July, October 1997) is entitled The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including Its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and Kranckheyt. These articles are the result of over 18 years of research by Mr. Macy and provide a very scholarly and accurate overview of much of the first four generations of Van Wicklen/Van Wickle family line. Copies of the articles can be ordered from The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 122 East 58th Street, New York, N.Y. Back issues are $7 each. 

2. Georgi VAN Sills - of British Columbia. (granddaughter of Henry Harrison Van Wicklin) of Abbotsford, British Columbia is largely responsible for gathering information on the Van Wicklins in Canada. 

3. Richard Alan McCool - of Ohio. (Descendent of Jan and Ida Van Wickle and their daughter Heyltie Van Wicklen who m. Stephen Williamsen) contributed information on early generations of Long Island Van Wicklens and New Jersey Van Wickles. (He is cited in Harry Macy Jr. articles.) He is an expert genealogist with extensive knowledge of 17th century Colonial Dutch settlers. 

4. Lt. Col. Fred Van Wicklin (of Nevada) is a U.S. Air Force B-52 radar navigator (having just completed a tour of duty as commander of the 49th Test Squadron, Barksdale AFB in Louisiana) and a descendent of John Van Wicklin who settled with his family in Cramahe Township, Ontario, Canada around 1810. Fred has provided information on his direct line of descent as well as information on the Van Wickle house in New Jersey, Van Wicklin Avenue in California, and Wijckel, Friesland. 

5. Cheryl Huff Viger - of S. California. (Descendent of Rebecca Van Wicklin, b. 1787.)

6. Marg Graham-Trottman - of Port Hope, Ontario, (Great great granddaughter of James Schuyler Van Wicklin) She has recently supplied much information on her family line as well as other VWs in Northumberland County through research at the Cobourg Library and elsewhere. 

7. Jack Verge and Malcolm Montgomery - of British Columbia and Ontario. (Descendents of Rebecca Van Wicklin who
married Hugh Montgomery) provided information on Van Wicklins in Canada. 

8. Floyd Van Wicklin - of Lakeland, Florida.  My father, provided detailed information on his parents and grandparents. 

9. Marguerite (Van Wicklin) Simpson - of Cramahe Township, Ontario. Provided information on the descendents of John Gordon Van Wicklin and Van Wicklin Lane (Cramahe Township) on a personal visit to her home in Cramahe Township. 

10. Michael Wolfe - of New York. (Grandson of Frederick^8 Miller Van Wicklen, who made application for membership in Holland Society in 1937.) Michael has consulted with Harry Macy, Jr. and has worked on VW genealogy for over 4 years. He has recently provided a wealth of information on his family line and other "Long Island Van Wicklens." There is a nice photo of John Youngs Van Wicklen on his family page, courtesy of his great grandson, Michael Wolfe. 

11. David Crombie - of Ohio. (Descendent of Catherine Van Wicklen (d/o Evert and Eliz. Van Liew who m. John Dorlant) for
information on this line of the family. 

12. Stephen Van Wicklin  - of Toronto. His mother and father, Bruce and Marilyn VW, his aunt Cheryle, and great aunt Florence--for information on their line of descent--through Lorenzo^8 Van Wicklin (Sylvanus^7....). 

13. David Van Wicklin - of S. California. (Via email and phone with Georgi Sills) about his line of descent--through George^9 Roy and Roy^8 Arthur Van Wicklin. 

14. Brian Christensen - of Indiana. For link to his extensive research on the Van Vickles. Also to John Plaat (of California), and
Kathy (Van Vickle) Velasquez, Mel Van Vickle, Pam Koch, Leora Willard, Robert Miller, Kirk Hansen, Dorothy Williams, Cathy (in Oregon), Naomi Emmich, Jeff Baker, and Betty Elliott. Brian Christensen lists each of these individuals in his document, Van
Vickle Research, 1982-2001 along with their specific contributions to the Van Vickle research effort. There are photos of several Van Vickles on the family pages courtesy of Kathy Velasquez and Dorothy Williams. 

15. Familysearch.com, Ancestry.com, and Archives of Toronto (77 Grenville St., Unit 300, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S
1B3) for birth, marriage, death records on many members of the VW family. 

16. Several authors have published information on Van Wicklens including: 
a. Allegany County History Books (1879 and 1896) in Archives of Houghton College library. These books contain much information on Evert Van Wickle who settled in Angelica, Allegany County, New York, and became a prominent citizen of his day (i.e. early 1800s). 
b. Rosalie Fellows Bailey, PreRevolutionary Dutch Houses and Families in Northern New Jersey and Southern New York (Dover Ed., 1968). This book includes a description and photo of the Symon Van Wickle house (built 1722) which is still standing and open to the public (1289 Easton Ave., Somerset, NJ 08873) 
c. Richard W. Cook, "The Van Wickelen Family" in The Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey 35 (1960): 49-53. 
d. Edith H. Mather, "Van Wickle of Somerset and Middlesex Counties, New Jersey" Proceedings of the New Jersey
Historical Society, 54 (1936): 118-129. 
e. Henry A. Stoutenburgh (1902) A Documentary History of the Dutch Congregation of Oyster Bay (Includes information on
the family of Paulus Van Wicklen of the Wolver Hollow Reformed Dutch Church. 
f. Michael Tipper (Editor) New World Immigrants; Vol 1, p. 193 includes information on April 17, 1664 crossing (Netherlands to New Amsterdam) of D'Endracht (The Concord), Captain Jan Bergen with passengers including Jentie Jeppes, wife, and 3 children, 5, 4, and 2. 
g. Frederick Miller Van Wicklin's 1937 membership application to the Holland Society of New York which correctly traces his Long Island lineage to Gerrit Janszen and questioned the claim that Evert Janszen was Gerrit's father and asserted that they were probably brothers.