Family of Jacob^5 Charles Van Wickle

[Portrait is of Judge
Jacob^5 Charles Van Wickle -- oil on canvas, Feb 23, 1841 by George H. Durrie.
Owners: Devereux, Laurence Danna and Karen Danna Perschall, New Orleans, LA.
Portrait found in 1975 book "Louisiana Portraits;
courtesy of David Conroyd via 28 Aug 2011 email]
Jacob^5 Charles Van Wickle (Nicasius^4, Simon^3, Evert^2, Jentie^1
Jeppes), b. 10 May 1770, Matchaponix, Middlesex, NJ
Married: Sarah Morgan (b. 6 August 1772, Old Bridge, NJ), 24 June 1792 in Matchaponix, NJ
(See information on family of Sarah Morgan in source section below)
(married second to) Susan R. Boice (of Raritan,
NJ; d. 1867, NJ) 10 May 1837, Bergen, NJ (no children by
this marriage) Susan appears to have been
a widow at time of marriage to Jacob, so Boice may have been her married name.
(all by first marriage to Sarah Morgan)
1. Margaret^6 Sophia Van Wickle, b. 1793, Old Bridge, NJ
2. Nicholas^6 Van Wickle, b. 1796, Old Bridge, NJ
3. Stephen^6 Van Wickle, b. 6 January 1798, Old Bridge, NJ
4. Catherine^6 Van Wickle, b. 24 May 1800, Old Bridge, NJ
5. Ann^6 Amanda Fitzallen Van Wickle, b. 26 March 1802, Old Bridge, NJ
6. Jacob^6 Charles Van Wickle, b. 20 October 1805, Old Bridge, NJ
7. Sarah^6 Hyacinth Van Wickle, b. 2 September 1808, Old Bridge, NJ
8. Evert^6 Croes Hale Van Wickle, b. 1811, Old Bridge, NJ
9. Malvinia^6 (Vina) E. Van Wickle, b. 8 April 1813, Old Bridge, NJ
(Was there a 10th child? Perhaps even an 11th? See note on Albinia^6 VW in source section below.)
Jacob^5 Charles's parents are Nicasius (Nicholas) and Trintie (Boice) Van Wickle(n)
Sarah's parents are Captain James Morgan (1734-1784) and Margaret (Evertsen) Morgan (1731-1827).
Background information:
Jacob^5 Charles Van Wickle (Nicholas^4, Simon^3,
Evert^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. 10 May 1770 in Matchaponix, NJ and bap. 24 June 1770.
For forty years he occupied a seat on the bench as County Judge, and was known
as one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Old Bridge, Middlesex
County, NJ. He married Sarah Morgan on 24 June 1792. She was b. 6 August 1772, Morgan Manor, South Amboy, NJ,, bap. 22 July 1810 at Spottswood by the rector of Christ Church (as an adult) and d. 21 September 1835. She was buried 23 September 1835 in St. Peter's Episcopal Churchyard, Spottswood, NJ. Jacob^5 Charles died 2 April
1854 in Old Bridge, Middlesex, NJ and was also buried in St. Peter's Episcopal Church Yard in Spottswood, NJ.
Interesting trivia: Two of Jacob^5 Charles VW's great granddaughters married sons of Civil War Secretaries of War (one
Union and one Confederate). Two of Judge Jacob Charles Van Wickle's great granddaughters married the sons of both of the Civil War
Secretaries of War. Though the marriages were 15 and 20 years after the war, it perhaps made for some interesting family conversations,
nonetheless. Adele Cephise Townsend married Lewis Hutchinson Stanton, son of Edwin McMasters Stanton, Secretary of War for President
Lincoln, and Kate laura Slawson married William C. Seddon, son of John A. Seddon, Secretary of War for the Confederate States of America.
(Information supplied in 18 February 2002 email from David Conroyd.)
Some information on Sarah Morgan's family. Sarah's parents are Capt. James (1734-1784) and Margaret (1731-1827)
(Evertson) Morgan. They had eight children (birth order uncertain)...Major General James Morgan (1757-1822), Charles
Morgan (left NJ and formed Morganza Plantation, Pointe Coupee, LA and m. Hyacinth Allain; Abigail Morgan (m. Joseph
Rue), Suzannah Morgan (m. John Disbrow), Margaret Morgan (m. Amos Stout), Mary Morgan (m. Thomas Warne), Nicholas
Morgan (New Jersey Gazette, 25 December 1782 states, "On Monday 9th inst. about 11 o'clock at night, Lieut. Nicholas Morgan of the state
regiment, was mortally wounded by a party of refugees from New York, while he was on guard on the shore of South Amboy, of which would he died
about four hours later. His corpse was carried to his father's house from whence it was buried on the 11th with the honors of war. He was in his 28th
year." submitted by 10 January 2002 email from Raymond H. Diltz, a relative of the Morgan-Evertson family of New Jersey)...and Sarah
Morgan. (John Van Wickle m. Ann Rue, who may have been Joseph Rue's sister.) Major Gen. James Morgan, mentioned
above, married Ann^6 Van Wickle. She is Jacob^5 Van Wickle's niece.
**12 Oct 09 email from Ed Campbell -- "John, I
notice on your site that Nicholas Morgan was said to have died from being
mortally wounded. Being an integral part of the Morgan family and the family
cemetary, I know that he was hung by Tories. Thanks, Ed Campbell. P.S. I have
portraits of Major General James Morgan and his wife."
Background information on Morganza, Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. The village of Morganza is named after the first
American sheriff of Pointe Coupee Parish, Col. Charles Morgan [Sarah Morgan Van Wickle's brother]. Originally from Pennsylvania, Morgan came to Pointe Coupee
in 1830. He owned much land in the parish and served on the Louisiana legislature and the
Mississippi River Authority. Morganza was the site of a federal camp during the Civil War where about 3,000 Union soldiers endured the intense summer heat in 1864. In early 1865, a small Confederate
force battled several Union cavalry units near Grosse Tete. By hiding in swamps and cane fields, the Confederates outsmarted the Union troops and
then followed them back to their camp at Morganza. The Village of Morganza was incorporated in 1908 and the Town hall was built in 1968.
Morganza is best known for the Morganza Spillway which helps control flooding of the lower Mississippi River. Morganza is also widely known for
being featured in scenes in the movie "Easy Rider" in 1968. (from
Children: Margaret^6 Sophia Van
Wickle, was b. 26 December 1793, Old Bridge, NJ and d. 2 March 1816 and age 22-2-5 and is
buried next to her father. She married Brig. General Obadiah Herbert in 1811; Nicholas^6 Van Wickle (b. 7 January 1796, Old
Bridge, NJ and d. 1865) m. Ida Suydam 17 October 1821 (Old Bridge) and later, a Jane Ann ___.
Stephen^6 Van Wickle (b. 6 January 1798, Old Bridge and d. 31 December 1878) m. Adele
Morgan 10 May 1826 in Point Coupee, LA. Catherine^6 Van Wickle
(b. 24 May 1800, Old Bridge, NJ and d. 23 March 1895, Lyons, Wayne, NY. She married a Mr. Lyman.
Ann^6 Amanda Fitzallen Van Wickle (b. 26 November 1802, Old Bridge, NJ and d. 25 July
1880) m. Leonard Appleby 24 October 1821 in Old Bridge, NJ; Jacob^6 Charles Van Wickle (b. 20 October 1805, Old Bridge, NJ
and bap. 20 June 1806 by Rector of Christ Church, Spottswood, NJ. He d. 4 November 1883. He m. Eliza LeDoux who died in 1841. He then m. Clothilde Virginie
LeDoux (New Orleans, LA). Sarah^6 Hyacinth Van Wickle (b. 2 September 1808, Old Bridge, NJ and bap. 18 October 1808; d.
24 March 1898) m. Increase Stoddard Wood 22 October 1832, St Peters, Spottswood, NJ.
Evert^6 Croes Hale Van Wickle was b. 5 September 1811 and bap. 29 December 1811. He died 22 January 1812 at age 4 months, 17 days and is buried next to his
parents; Malvina^6 Van Wickle, (b. 8 April 1813, Old Bridge, NJ, and bap. 4 June 1813. She married Aaron Remsen on 4
September 1835 in St.Peters, Spottswood, NJ. She died 4 August 1873, Lyons, Wayne, NY.;
Albinia^6 Van Wickle was b. 1817, Old Bridge. (Records of Harry Macy, Jr. and Michael Wolfe do not include this name. Reichner error lists her as a daughter;
however, Harry Macy and David Conroyd claim she is a granddaughter of Jacob--perhaps
the daughter of son, Nicholas.)
Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and
Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 250-1.
Information on Sarah Morgan and her family provide in 12 July 2000 email by Ed Campbell.
Manuscript records of the Van Wickle and Morgan Families (a handwritten book in a library in Philadelphia; also on microfilm with
LDS) From the cover page of the book -- "These records were collected and copied by James Hugh Aiken of Winsboro, South Carolina who died
September 15, 1915" James Hugh Aiken was the great, great grandson of Judge Jacob Van Wickle of Middlesex County, NJ and the great great
great grandson of Captain James Morgan of Middlesex County, NJ. (This note and three pages of information on three generations of Jacob
Charles VW, Sr. family provided in an email from David Conroyd, dated 16 February 2002)
Albinia^6 Van Wickle, b. 1817, Old Bridge, NJ (Reichner lists Albinia as a daughter of Jacob^5 Charles; however, records of
Harry Macy, Jr. and Michael Wolfe do not include this name. Harry Macy claims she is a granddaughter of Jacob. (David
Conroyd supports the Macy claim and lists Albinia as a daughter of Nicholas^6 VW, b. 21 November 1822 and d. in infancy in 1822) (Information
on Albinia as daughter of Nicholas is from David Conroyd in 18 February 2002 email.) (Elizabeth Knapp supplies a family record of Nicholas Van
Wickle that lists Albina (b. 1 November 1822 and d. 22 February 1829) as the sister of Nicholas. She also listed a Georgiana (b. 23 July 1824; no
death date given) as yet another sister of Nicholas. However, one wonders if this information might be from the Reichner information. This
information supplied in 24 February 2002 email from David Conroyd)
Michael Wolve review of DeSille Bible and Macy Charts raises suspicion about Abram VW being a child of Jacob Charles.
Harry Macy research notes on Jacob^5 Van Wickle and Sarah Morgan...
Jacob Van Wickle lived near Old Bridge and was a large landowner and a judge of the circuit court of Middlesex Co. for many
Will E-560, New Brunswick Surr. Ct., names eldest son, Nicholas, son Jacob Charles and 2 daughters of son Stephen, daughters
Ann Amanda wife of Leonard Appleby, Hyacinth wife of I.S. Wood, Catherine Lyman
1820 living alone in Angelica, NY - 1 male over 45 (brother Evert also in Angelica at this time)
1830 - So. Amboy
1840 - Monroe, Middlesex, NJ
1850 - Monroe, Middlesex Co, NJ he is a farmer $12,000 with Susan 48, Cornelia Laton 33 and children, prob. stepdaughters.
Elected to Board of Chosen Freeholders, S. Amboy 1812-5, 17, 19-25, 27 (1882 History of Union and Middlesex Counties, p.
George Warne Labow, A Genealogy of the Warne Family in America 1911, pp. 264-5 has acct of Ann Amanda Fitzallen VW
that says her father of Old Bridge, judge of Middlesex Co. 53 years. Also notes Margaret Sophia VW's family.
1810, July 16 - Betty, a slave of Jacob Van Wickle, very old, baptized (gmnj 41-42)
Will of Susan R. Van Wickle - file 12610 (Monmouth Co) Trenton, NJ in 1793 lists him as Jacob Vansickle, So Amboy, age 22.
Susan R., widow of Judge VW d. 11 May 1868 at age 68, Paterson, NJ
St Peter's burial record called him "per nultos annos sacrorum oustordem in aedem sacram."
Sarah H. confirmed St. Peters 24 June 1824 per church records (same day as brother Jacob Charles. Melvina E. confirmed 25 April 1839.)
On list of communicts 1823, Jacob and family are #1 on list.
Family of Major General James Morgan (information supplied by email (February 2002) from Ray Diltz
James Morgan (Capt.)
b. 1734 Monmouth Co/Middlesex Co, NJ
m. 1754 South Amboy, Middlesex, NJ
d. 1784 South Amboy, Middlesex, NJ
Father: Charles Morgan (III)
Wife: Margaret Everson
b. 18 August 1730 in South Amboy, Middlesex, NJ
d. 1827
Father: Nicholas (Evertson) Everson
Mother: Susanna Roeters
1. Charles Morgan
b. 1754
Spouse: Hyacinth Allain
2. Nicholas Morgan
b. 1755
3. James Morgan (Major General)
b. 1756
d. 1822
Spouse: Ann Van Wickle
4. Abigail Morgan
b. abt 1758
m. John Rue
5. Susanna Morgan
b. abt 1760
Spouse: John Disbrow
6. Margaret Morgan
b. abt. 1762
m. Amos Stout
7. Mary Morgan
b. abt 1764
m. Thomas Warne
8. Sarah Morgan
b. 16 August 1772 South Amboy, NJ
m. 24 June 1792 in NJ
d. 21 September 1835 Old Bridge, NJ
spouse: Jacob Charles Van Wickle (Judge)
Timeline for Jacob Charles Van Wickle, Sr. (courtesy of David Conroyd)
1770 May 10 (born)
1792 md. first to Sarah Morgan
1800, 1810, and 1820 Census for NJ was lost
1830 Census, South Amboy twp, Middlesex co,
NJ, p. 275 lists Jacob VanWickle; 1 M 20-30 [Jacob Jr., 24]; 1 M 30-40 [?]; 1 M
50-60 [Jacob, 60], 1 F 15-20 [Malvina, 17], 1 F 20-30 [Sarah Hyacinth, 22]; 1 F
50-60 [Sarah, 58]
1835 first wife, Sarah died
1837 md. second wife, Susan R. Boice
1840 Census, Monroe Twp, Middlesex Co., NJ,
p. 132 lists Jacob VanWickle; 2 M (15-20 [?], 1 M 20-30 [?], 1 M 30-40 [?], 1 M
60-70 [Jacob, 70], 1 F 20-30 [?] Are others a child, in-law and grandchildren?
1850 Census, Monroe Twp, Middlesex Co., NJ,
p. 156 A, Oct 12 lists Jacob Vanwickle 80 farmer $12,000 [NJ], Susan Vanwickle
48 F [NJ][?], Cornelia Laton? 3 F [NJ], George Laton/ 3/12 M [NJ]
1854 died
13 October 2009 emails from Ed Campbell
provide the following interesting details concerning Judge Jacob Van Wickle and
his brother-in-law Charles Morgan. It
seems that Charles Morgan left for Louisiana and owned a plantation called
Morganza. Early in the 19th century, Charles came back to NJ. He had [his
brother] Major General James Morgan and James' daughter, Emmaline, offer free
blacks jobs in South Amboy. When the blacks arrived in South Amboy they were
promptly put on Charles' ship and brought back to Louisiana. The Morgans were
tried in court for illegal slave kidnapping. Charles had his "dear friend"
Richard Stockton defend him in court. Stockton stated for the record that he
wouldn't know Charles Morgan if he walked into him on the street. The Morgans
were found guilty and fined a paltry sum. The now slaves remained in Louisiana.
The most intriguing point of the story is the fact that the judge was Jacob Van
Wickle -- brother-in-law of Charles!