Family of Garret^6 Van Wicklin
Garret^6 Van Wicklin (Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 1811, Ontario, Canada
Married: Phebe Terril [Terry?](b. 1811, Ontario) before
1834 (see Phebe's death registration below)
1. James^7 Schuyler Van Wicklin, b.
1834, Ontario, Can.
2. Charles^7 Van Wicklin, b. 1836, Ontario, Can.
3. John^7 Gordon Van Wicklin, b. 1838, Ontario, Can.
4. Robert^7 Van Wicklin, b. 1839, Ontario, Can.
5. Mary^7 Sophrona Van Wicklin, b. 1841, Ontario, Can.
6. Sarah^7 Van Wicklin, b. 1844, Ontario, Can.
7. George^7 Van Wicklin, b. 1847, Ontario, Can.
8. Eliza^7 Ann Van Wicklin, b. 1849, Ontario, Can.
9. Garret^7 Van Wicklin, b. 1850, Ontario, Can.
10. Henry^7 Harrison Van Wicklin, b. 1852, Ontario, Can.
11. Lafayette^7 Leroy Van Wicklin, b. 19 Feb 1855, Brighton, Ontario, Can.
12.William^7 Wallace Van Wicklin, b. 19 Dec 1856, Brighton, Ontario, Can.
13. Victoria^7 Van Wicklin, b. 1871, Ontario, Can.
(Georgi Sills via December 2006
emails provided some good evidence [in source section below] that Victoria Van
Wicklin may be Isadora Victoria Van Wicklin. See 1911 Census of Canada record as
well as her role as witness to brother Henry's marriage.)
Garret's parents are Isaac and Aga (Snedeker) Van Wicklin
Phebe's parents are _________________.
Background information:
Garret^6 Van Wicklin (Isaac^5, Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was b. 4 February 1811 and m. Phebe Terril, b.
1811. Phebe d. 3 April 1887 Percy Twp., Ont., CAN. (See note and copy of death registration in source section
below.) Children were born in Murray Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada.
Children: James^7 Schuyler Van Wicklin was b.
19 July 1834 and settled in Colbourne, Ontario. He married Isabella Wright
(1860) and they had at least four children. James and Isabella are in Strong Township in Sundridge, near South River, Ontario by the
1901 Strong Township census and two of their four children are with them. (Marg Graham-Trottman, a current resident of Port
Hope, Ontario is the great great granddaughter of James^7 Schuyler.)
Charles^7 Van Wicklin was b. 1836. John^7 Gordon Van
Wicklin was b. 1838 and he settled on a knoll above Rt. 2 between Colbourne and Brighton (near Little Lake) and
built a
house and farm there in the 1860s which still stands today right off “Van Wicklin Lane.” (Marguerite (Van Wicklin) Simpson is
the great granddaughter of John^7 Gordon and still resides on a portion of the original John Gordon
farm.) Robert^7 Van Wicklin was b. 1839 and d. 2 June 1914 in York, CAN. Mary^7
Sophrona Van Wicklin
was b. 1841 and is buried in Bowermans/McFaul Cemetery, Prince Edward County, Ontario. Mary married Henry Peterson (b. abt. 1821 in Canada, son of Nicholas and
Margaret Peterson) of Hillyer on 19 March 1866. He was 45 and she was 24 at the time of the marriage.
Sarah^7 Van Wicklin was b. 1844. George^7 Van Wicklin was b. 1847.
Eliza Ann Van Wicklin was b. 1849. She married William O. Crandall, 29,
farmer, born in Colbourne, living in Murray, son of Calvin and Harriet (Clute) Crandall on 18 November 1873
in Trenton.
Witnesses were Sarah and Phebe Van Wicklin. (See marriage certificate information in sources below.)
Garret^7 Van Wicklin was born 1850 and appears in the 1851 census but is missing from the 1861 census and is therefore presumed to have died in childhood.
Henry^7 Harrison Van Wicklin was born 1852. (Henry is the great grandfather of Georgi VAN Sills of Abbotsford, B.C., CAN
from whom I have received much information on Canadian Van Wicklins.) There is much more information about Henry on his
page. William^7 Wallace Van Wicklin was b. 19 Dec 1856,
Brighton, Ont, CAN. He eventually moved to Strong Township and is buried in Strong Cemetery, Lot 22,
Con. 11, District of Parry Sound. He died unmarried on 24 April 1920 at the age of 73
years, 4 months, 5 days. Lafayette^7 Leroy Van Wicklin was b.
19 February 1855 and d. 20 Feb 1930, Hastings, Ont, CAN at age 75 years, 1 day. He married Christina ____ (b. 24 September 1854) before 1885.
They had one child, Pearl^8 Van Wicklin, b. 29 September 1885. Lafayette's
second marriage on 10 December 1919 in Trenton, Ontario was to Lucy Drinkwalter, 64, widow, b. abt 1855 in Wales, England. He was a
widower at the time and listed as the s/o Garret and Phoebe (Thiery) Van Wicklin. Lucy's first husband was named David
James Drinkwalter. Victoria^7 Van Wicklin was born 1871. Victoria is almost certainly not Phebe’s biological child as she would have
been 60 at the time. This may be a child of one of the sons or daughters of Garret and Phebe, or perhaps a child of Garret^6
1851 Census, Canada West, lists
Garratt Van Wicklin, 41, yeoman, b. CAN, with Phebe, 40,
Schuyler, 17, laborer, Charles, 15, laborer, John Gordon, 13, Robert, 12, Mary,
10, Sarah, 7, George, 4, Eliza Ann, 2, and Garret, 1. All b. CAN
1871 Ontario census data
1881 census data lists four dependents still living at home with Garret and Phebe VW. These are Henry, 29 yr; William W., 25
yrs; Lafayette, 24 yrs; and Victoria, 10 yrs. The birth year for Lafayette was modified due to this information. Previously I had
Lafayette b. about 1854 and thus the older brother of William. The 1881 census data makes Lafayette younger than William.
--information supplied by Jack Montgomery in an email dated 3 March 2001. 1881 Census of Canada; Census Place: Murray, Northumberland
East, Ontario, Canada (Source: FHL Film Film 1375875 NAC C-13239 dist 123 SubDist E Div 3 Page 15 Family 71 (Information provided in April 2002 email from Georgi Sills)
Garratt Vanwicklin, male, married, 70, German, b. Ontario
Phoebe Vanwicklin, female, married, 69, Irish, b. Ontario
Henry Vanwicklin, male, 29, German, b. Ontario
William W. Vanwicklin, male, 25, German, b. Ontario
Lafayette Vanwicklin, male, 27, German, b. Ontario
Victoria Vanwicklin, female, 10, German, b. Ontario
Ontario marriages before 1874 Northumberland and Durham - for William O. Crandall and Eliza A. Van Wicklin --received from Jack Montgomery in an email dated 8 December
2000 and located in Archives of Ontario on 25 June 2002 by Marg Trottman (R#5653
Eliza Ann Van Wicklen, age 24 of Murray (b. Brighton) d/o of Garret and Phebe
(Terry) Van Wicklen, married 18 November 1873 in Trenton to William O. Crandall,
29, of Murray (b. Colbourne) s/o Calvin and Harriet (Clute) Crandall)
Personnel correspondence with Georgi VAN Sills of Abbotsford, BC, and Marg Graham-Trottman of Port Hope, Ontario.
1901 Ontario Census (courtesy, Georgi Sills email of 27 July 2002) -- provides
information on Lafayette, his wife Christina, and his daughter Pearl.
1901 Strong Township census and Strong Cemetery listings (email from Georgi Sills)
Information on second marriage of Lafayette Leroy VW, courtesy of 30 July 2001 email from Kim Rumball. She obtained it
from Marriage Record #014024-19 found on Reel No. 932-#491 at the Archieves of Ontario in Toronto.
Death Certificate: (provided in 20 February 2002 email from Marg Trottman Graham)
Van Wicklin, Phebe April 3, 1887 Percy Twp., Ont., CAN Reg. 011901 87 (It is most likely that this is the death certificate for THIS
Phebe (Terril) Van Wicklin given the time and location and limited possibilities on other "Phebe Van Wicklins" who could fit the profile. Final
confirmation awaits actual location and review of the certificate)
Death Registration (provided in 4 March 2002 email from Marg Trottman Graham)
MS935, Reel 48
Death Registration Number 11901
Phebe Vanwicklin
Died - April 3, 1887
Sex- female
Age 75 years
Farmer's wife
Brighton Township
Died of old age - sick for eight weeks
Dr. Richards
Methodist Religion
Rev. S. Duprau present at death
Registered death April 25, 1887

Van Wicklin, Robert 2 June 1914 York, CAN
Marriage Certificate: (provided in 20 February 2002 email from Marg Trottman Graham)
Van Wicklin, Eliza Ann 18 November 1873 Trenton/Wooler
Marriage Certificate 001743
Wm. O. Crandall, 29, b. Wooler, living in Murray
Parents: Calvin and Harriett (Clute) Crandall
Spouse: Eliza A. Van Wicklin, 24, b. Brighton, living in Murray
Parents: Garrett and Phoebe (Ferry) Van Wicklin
Witnesses: Sarah and Phebe Van Wicklin of Murray
Date of Marriage: 18 November 1873 in Wooler
Religion: W.M. -- groom and E.M. -- bride
Married by: J. Weldon
County: Northumberland
9 Dec 1891 marriage of
Henry Harrison Vanwicklin of South River, Prince Edward Province.
Father and mother listed as Garret and Phoebe. Spouse is Mary Ann Joy, age 32 of
England. Mary Ann's parents are Robert and Mary Ann Thomas. Isadora V. Van
Wicklin and Charles M. Joy are witnesses. [courtesy,
Georgi Sills, Dec. 2006]
1911 Census of Canada shows
Isadora Van Wicklen, single, female, dressmaker, age 37,
b. Feb 1874, Ontario, living in household of her brother, William Van Wicklen,
age 54, laborer... in Perry Sound, Ontario, CAN [courtesy,
Georgi Sills, Dec. 2006]
1920 Death Registration - Village
of Sundridge, Parry Sound, Ont., CAN for William Wallace
Vanwicklin, single, Canadian, male. b. 19 Dec 1956, Brighton, Ont, CAN and d. 24
Apr 1920, Sundridge, Ont, CAN at age 73 y, 4 m, 5 days. Son of Garratt and
Phoebe (Terry) Vanwicklin. Garratt b. Northumberland, Ont, CAN and Phoebe b.
Prince Edward County, Ont, CAN. Death reported by Mrs. Lula Vanwicklin, niece.
(courtesy of Georgi Sills via 21 Dec 2006 email)
1930 Death Registration --
Hastings, Ont, CAN for Lafayette Leroy Vanwicklin,
married, male, Canadian, farmer; b. 19 Feb 1855, Brighton, Ont, CAN and d. 20
Feb 1930, Hastings, Ont, CAN at age 75 years, 1 day. Parents listed as Garrett
Vanwicklin, b. Brighton, Ont. and mother [unknown]. Reported by Mrs. L.L.
Vanwicklin, wife.
(courtesy of Georgi Sills via 21 Dec 2006 email)