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Bill of Sale of Land from Cornelius and Anne Van Wicklin to Thomas Webb


(7692 Cramahe, 9 December 1840)

To the registrar of the County of Northumberland in the NewCastle district, a memorial of a deed of bargain and sale dated the ninth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty. Between Cornelius Vanwicklin of the Township of Cramahe, County of Northumberland, District of Newcastle and Province of Canada, formerly Upper Canada, yeoman and Anne his wife, spinstress, of the first part, and Thomas Webb of the Township of Cramahe County, District and Province aforesaid, gentleman of the second part, wherein and whereby the said Cornelius Vanwicklin and Anne his wife for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred pounds of lawful money of the province of Canada the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath and done give, grant, bargain, sell, _____, release, transfer, convey, and confirm unto the said Thomas Webb his heirs and assigns all that certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Township of Cramahe in County, District, and Province aforesaid containing by admeasurement seventy acres of land be the same more or less being comprised of the north part of Lot number ten in the eighth concession of the Township of Cramahe aforesaid and butted and bounded or may be otherwise known as follows, that is to say, commencing at the South West corner where the Murray Road comes out to the west of said lot, to the now traveled road leading to Percy, then north sixteen degrees west thirty six chains more or less to the allowance for road in the rear of said concession, then norht twenty four degrees east twenty chains more or less to Lot number nine, then south sixteen degrees east thirtysix chains more or less to the now traveled road leading from Murray across said lot, then south twenty four degrees, west twenty chains or to the north of said road, to the place of beginning be the same more or less--to have and to hold the said above granted premises with all the privileges and appurtenances thereof to him the said Thomas Webb his heirs and assigns to their own now forever, with covenants of right to transfer freedom from encumbrances quiet enjoyment and general warranty.

Which deed is witnessed by Henry Fruit of the Township of Cramahe, yeoman, and Ellen Fruit of the same place, Spinster...and this memorial thereof is required by me, Thomas Webb the grantee aforesaid to be registered pursuant to law. In Testamony whereof the said Thomas Webb hereunto sets his hand and seal the tenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five.

Signed and sealed in presence of Thomas Webb

Henry Fruit
Elizabeth Rotchford

Bill of Sale of Land from Cornelius Vanwicklin to John Maybee
(7605 Cramahe; 5 December 1842)

A Memorial, to be registered pursuant to the Statute in that case made and provided, of an indenture of Bargain and Sale, dated the fifth day of December in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Two (1842); made between Cornelius Vanwicklin of the Township of Cramahe, County of Northumberland, District of Newcastle and Province of Canada, yeoman, of the one part and John W. Maybee of the Town of Belleville, County of Hastings, District of Victoria and Province of aforesaid, of the other part purporting to be a Deed of Bargain or Sale, whereby the said Cornelius Vanwicklin for in and consideration of the price of one hundred and fifty pounds of Lawful money of Canada, hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, transferred, conveyed and confirmed unto the said John W. Maybee, his heirs and assigns forever, all and singular, his tract or parcel of land situated in the Township of Cramahe, it being part of Lot Number Two in the Eight concession of the township of Cramahe which said lot or parcel of Land is butted and bounded as follows this is today commencing at the south east angle of said lot thence north sixteen degrees, west sixty five chains to the road now travelled to the River Trent intersecting the road leading from Brighton to Percy thence west along the said road twenty chains more or less to Percy and Brighton road thence south sixteen degrees east sixty five chains more or less to the eighth concession line, thence east along the said concession line twenty chains more or less to the place of beginning containing by admeasurement one hundred and twenty acres more or less.

Together with all Houses, Out-houses, Woods and Waters thereon erected, lying and being, and all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances to the said premises in anywise belonging: to have and to hold the same unto the said John W. Maybee, his heirs and assigns, to the sole and proper use, benefit and behoof of the said John W. Maybee, his heirs and assigns forever. (Portion referring to Cornelius wife, Anne, is lined through suggesting she was deceased or otherwise legally separated from him by 1842. Note that she is mentioned in the 1840 deed of sale.) 

And which said indenture of Bargain and Sale is witnessed by William Coulson of the Township of Cramahe, yeoman, and Alfred Moyhn of the Town of Bellville, merchant, and this memorial thereof is hereby required to be registered by me the said John W. Maybee the grantee therein named, as witness my hand and seal, this twenty third day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Five.

Signed and Sealed in the presence of William Coulson and Josiah Dewey, by John W. Maybee

William Coulson of the Township of Cramahe, yeoman maketh oath and saith that he was present and saw Cornelius Vanwicklin within named duly execute the Indenture of Bargain and Sale of which the within is the Memorial and that he saw John W. Maybee duly execute the within Memorial.

Swown before me at Cobourg, 23 April 1845,
William Coulson

Source: Bills of Sale, Cramahe Township, 7692 and 7606 (located in Cobourg Library by Marg Graham Trottman in April, 2000