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History of Brighton Concession 7, Lot 30

Property belonging to Gates Van Wicklin (abt 1870-1890) 

Know all men by these present that I, Gates Vanwicklin, of the Township of Brighton in the County of Northumberland and Province of Ontario...our ....unto Jesse Minnaker of the Township, County, and Province aforesaid, Farmer with the fiscal sum of One thousand dollars of good and lawful money of Canada who paid the aforesaid Jesse Minnaker to to his certified attorney executors administrators or assigns for which payment will and truly to be made I bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators firml by those present sealed with my seal and dated this year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy two.

Whereas the said Jesse Minnaker both contracted with the above...Gates Vanwicklin for the absolute purchase free from all encumberances of the following parcel of land...being in the Township of Brighton and County of Northumberland aforesaid and being the East quarter of lot number thirty in the Seventh Concession of the said Township of Brighton...fifty acres...

And whereas the said Jesse Minnaker hath agreed to pay therefor the sum of four hundred...dollars fifty cents of lawful money of Canada and the times...that is to say...fifty and one half dollars be paid down at the ... of the executors...present and the balance of three hundred fifty dollars in seven equal annual payments thereafter of fifty dollars each payable on the first day of March in each and every year hereafter with the whole ...to be paid with interest on each installment as it becomes due at the rate of seven per cent per annum, the first of such yearly payments of fifty dollars with interest will come due and be payable upon the first day of March 1873.

...the ...of the above written obligation is such that if the said Jesse Minnaker his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall well and truly pay ..to the said ...Gates Vanwicklin his executors administrators or assigns the said sum of four hundred and one dollars fifty cents at the ...above set forth. Thus, if the above ...Gates Vanwicklin and assigns shall ...sufficient... then..will the said Jesse Minnaker his heirs and assigns forever...

Signed and sealed in the presence of James Ames,

Gates Van Wicklin

History of transactions on Lot 30, 7th Concession, Brighton

1348 -- Charles S... to Willet Casey the whole lot...signed by Willet Casey...does not shew by whom deed was executed.

22 -- Willet Casey to Isaac Ingersoll the whole lot...signed by Isaac Ingersoll executed by Willet Casey only.

466 -- Isaac Ingersoll (1 pt) Palus Willbanks, 2nd pt; Mary Ingersoll, wife of Isaac Ingersoll of 3rd pt the whole lot signed by Palus Willbanks excution by Isaac Ingersoll and Mary Ingersoll, his wife.

467 -- Palus Willbanks to Isaac Ingersoll signed by Palus Willbanks execution by Palus Willbanks only, mortgage for 250.00 pounds with 6% by annual payments of 50 pounds...

C389 -- Palus Willbanks 1st part, Mary Willbanks his wife of 2nd part and Isaac Ingersoll 3rd pt nothing said about mortgage in it the whole signed by Isaac Ingersoll and four signatures would say it is the same Isaac Ingersoll as formerly owned this lot, execution by Palus Willbanks and Mary Willbanks, his wife.

D26 -- Sheriff Waddell and Frederich Jabry Hayden sale for taxes the whole lot to pay assessments on 2nd March 1866 the whole lot.

368 -- Isaac Ingersoll to Martha Dorland the whole lot signed by Martha Dorland execution by Isaac Ingersoll after sworn before John P. Robleu of P.... Ingersoll lived at the Twp. of Fredricksburgh, County of Lennox.

369 -- Frederich Jabry Hayden to Martha Dorland the whole lot signed by Haryden Dorland executed Isaac Ingersoll sworn before John P Robleu. Ingersoll lived at Twp of Fredricksburgh, County of Lennox.

370 -- Martha Dorland to Gates Van Wicklin the whole lot ...the ...statutory deed. Comparing the signatures I would say that executing this conveyance is the same as the one signing the memorial as Martha Dorland.

No. 28 -- Gates Vanwicklin to Cornelius Kemp E 1/2 of W 1/2 and W 1/2 of East 1.2 100 acres ordinary statutory deed consideration of $400.00

E400 -- This makes up the balance of the 100 acres and should not be on the abstract. Gates address is Codrington.

G1309 Cornelius Kemp 1st pt, Susanna A. Kemp, his wife 2nd pt to George Little E1/2 of W1/2 and W1/2 of E1/2 except 16 acres sold...$300.00 with 10% the principal in 2 years...to be paid yearly not discharged.

I-1876 Cornelius Kemp 1st part Susan Kemp 2nd pt and Catharine Sevitt wife of Isaac B. Sevitt 3rd pt executed by parties of 1st and 2nd parts ...

I-1877 -- discharged by 2188 discharge signed by Cornelius Kemp

2189 -- Cornelius Kemp 1st part, Susan Kemp 2nd pt, Catharine Sevitt wife of Isaac B. Sevitt. This was evidently given to correct the description in I 1876 as the description in that did not show what part of the lot was conveyed.

2190 -- not discharged

In sum...it appears that Gates received the whole 200 acres prior to 1872 and sold a portion to Jesse Minnaker in 1872 and a portion (100 Acres) to Cornelius Kemp at approximately the same time.

Ontario registry office -- Abstract of Title, Conc. 7, Lot 30--Certified to be the correct extracts from the only instruments 
recorded in this office which mention or refer to the above described lands since but exclusive of No. 4522 for Brighton. Dated in Colbourne the 18th of October 1890 at the hour of 1:55PM

4750 -- Mortgage of 6 April 1888; Grantor: Gates Vanwicklin to the London and Oil Investment Co., Ltd $4750 (Remarks: W 1/4 (50 acres) more or less with other land.

4753 -- Grant of 28 April 1888; William Minnaker to Chas. and Wm. Biggar and D. Biggar, Trustees -- $1,000 (Remarks: E. 1/4 (50 acres) more or less

4851 -- Will of 5 Nov. 1888, registered 21 November 1888; Grantee: Gates Vanwicklin to Sherman and Edward Vanwicklin, 
known as his sons--all his estate if he dies possessed of as will sets forth

5026 -- Grant of 11 Nov. 1889, John A. Robinson and wife to William Minnaker $16.00 for $85 acres more or less subj to ...as in no. 4521

5103 -- Grant of 2 April 1890, Gates Vanwicklin (unmarried) to Edward Vanwicklin ($150) W 1/4 with this land subject to encumbrance therein
5104 -- Mortgage of 2 April 1890, Edward Vanwicklin to Gates Vanwicklin...the same as aforesaid
5151 -- Grant of 13 October 1890 from Edward Vanwicklin to Sherman Vanwicklin for $4000, the same
5273 -- Grant under power of sale; of 30 May 1891 The Trust and Loan Company of Canada to the London and Oil Investment Co., Ltd. for $4280, the same
5275 -- Grant of 8 June 1891 London and Oil Investment Co, Ltd to Phoebe E. Stryker for $451 the same subject to unpaid purchase money
5276 -- Mortgage of 8 June 1891 Phoebe E. Stryker and Isaac Stryker to London and Oil Investment Co., Ltd $450 W 1/4 50 
acres with other land.
5305 -- Grant of 31 August 1891 William Minnaker to Henry Minnaker for $2500 Pt 85 acres more or less, subt. to mortgage
5641 -- Grant of 3 March 1894 Charles R. Biggar by his atty to William Minnaker for $400 E 1/4 50 acres more or less

Summary: It appears that Gates owned 50 acres of this land in 1888 and in 1890 granted it to Edward Vanwicklin and six months later, Edward sells it to Sherman Vanwicklin. In June of 1891 (8 mos. later) the land is sold (grant under power of sale) by the Trust and Loan Co. of Canada to the London and Oil Investment Co., Ltd. (which would appear either to be that the bank had the power to sell the land on behalf of Sherman VW or Sherman lost the ownership to the bank due to failure to make payments or something to that effect.


Copy of original abstract on Conc. 7, Lot 30 obtained by Marg Graham-Trottman from Charlie Puddephatt of Goodfellow Road on Saturday, July 29, 2000

The Canadian County Atlas Digital Project lists the following property for Gates Vanwicklin, Brighton, 1878 (VII, 30 - 50 acres; VIII, 28 - 100 acres; and VIII, 30 -- 200 acres)