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Migration of  Paulus^4 Van Wicklen family to Ontario, Canada

Paul^4 Van Wicklen was b. 1732, Jamaica, L.I., NY to Garret and Helena (Ammerman) Van Wicklen

Paul married 1755 to Hendrickye Remsen. Their first six children (Helena, Annatye, Jan, Garret, Jacob, and Isaac) were b. Wolver Hollow, L.I., NY between 1756 and 1766.

Paul was overseer of highways (1762-3) for half of Wolver Hollow.

He moved his family to Dutchess County, NY by 1772 and youngest daughter, Geesje, was b. 1772 in Poughkeepsie, NY. Paul owned land in Clinton, NY between 1772 and 1884 and served in Dutchess Cty Militia in 1781-2. Sons Jan, Garret, Jacob, and Isaac were 20, 19, 18, and 15 respectively when their father served in the Militia. (Garret's sons Cornelius and Abram, and Jan's son, John, would eventually serve in the Northumberland Militia during the War of 1812.)

On 16 November 1797 Paul Van Wickley petitioned for land in Upper Canada as a settler

Records of Paul and Helena's children and their families are found in churches in Dutchess (family of Jan^5 VW, Garret^5 VW, and Geesje^5 VW), Albany (family of Helena^5 VW), and Greene Counties (family of Isaac^5 VW) in New York.

Helena^5 Van Wicklen


married Solomon Scribner and a record exists of the baptism of Arrietie^6 Scribner (8 July 1794) in Coeyman's RDC, Albany Cty, NY.


not found in 1800 U.S. census


1803 a "widow" Scribner appears in Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Cty, Ontario, CAN census with one son and four daughters under age 16


Scribner name as head of household not seen in any Cramahe Twp census after 1803 so either Helena remarried or moved to another Twp.


Pvt. Nathan Scribner is on list of Northumberland Cty Militia for War of 1812 along with Cornelius, Abraham, and John Van Wickler.


Montney family genealogy (http://montney.com/relatives/index.htm) identifies a Nathan Scribner, b. 5 May 1793, NY marrying Mary M. Sumner abt. 1821 and having 8 children between 1822 and 1839 (Solomon is the oldest and would thus appear to be named for his deceased grandfather). Nathan and family migrate to Armada, MI some time after 1839.


So...it would appear that Helena^5 migrates to Canada to be near her younger brothers.


She later marries Thomas Vardy and is referenced as Eleanor Varty in an 1839 affidavit supporting her younger brother's claim to her father's property [Lot 10, Concession 8 in Cramahe, ONT, CAN]

Isaac^5 Van Wicklen


Isaac was b. 1765 in Wolver Hollow and married Geesje Snedeker in 1790.


Their oldest daughters Hendericke (b. 1793), Elizabeth (b. 1796), Annatje (b. 1797) were bap. in Coeyman's RDC, Albany Cty, NY


However, Mary (b. 1799), James (b. 1803), Rachel (b. 1806) and Garret (b. 1811) were b. in Ontario, CAN


Isaac appears in 1803 Cramahe Twp, Ont. CAN census of Isaac Van Weakley, but thereafter, every Cramahe census lists him as Isaac Van Wicklen.


1803 census shows one male 16 to 60 (Isaac, age 38), one female 16 to 60 (Geesje), one male <16 (James, as infant), four females <16 (Hendericke, 10; Elizabeth, 7; Ann, 6; and Mary, 4)


Listing is much the same through 1809, but the family is not listed in the 1810 census at all. They reappear in the 1812 census.


1812 census lists one male >16 (Isaac), two males <16 (James, 9; Garret, 1); two females >16 (Geesje and either Hendricke or Elizabeth) and three females <16 (Ann, 15; Mary, 12; and Rachel, 3)


Census data checked through 1823 reveals a fairly predictable progression with slight numerical discrepancies. Only head of family named so difficult to tell who the other members are in a given year.

Garret Van Wicklen

born 1762 Wolver Hollow, L.I., NY


married Rachel Frost in Rhinebeck RDC, Dutchess Cty, NY in 1783


Garret and Rachel have several sons and four daughters all b. in NY in the 1780s and 1790s (To date...Cornelius, Benjamin and Abraham are known)


1790 Clinton, Dutchess Cty, NY Census lists Garret Van Weekly with one male<16 (Garret), 2 males <16  [Abram, or Ben]; 2 females, Rachel and a daughter?


1801 Garret moved family to Cramahe Twp and leased Conc. 8, Lot 12 in northeast corner of Cramahe Twp.


1803 Cramahe Twp, Ontario, CAN Census lists Garet Van Weakley with one female age 16-60; 6 males under 16 (Ben, Abram, Garret, Jr. and ?; and 3 daughters under 16.


Son, Abraham, is head of his own household by 1809 while son, Benjamin, remains in Garret's household.


Benjamin is listed as head of his own household in 1822 at age 34, and in 1823 he is listed as "removed"--to another location outside Cramahe Township.


Garret's household remains in Cramahe Twp from 1803 through all census lists reviewed up to 1823 and presumably thereafter. He dies in 1848 and is buried in Carr Cemetery in Cramahe Twp.

Cornelius Van Wicklen

born abt. 1785 in Dutchess County, NY


presumably moved to Cramahe Twp with his parents and siblings abt 1801


he appears in own household by himself as Connelous Van Weakley in the 1803  Cramahe Twp Census and nothing changes in the census listings through 1809 (except that his name is always spelled Cornelius Van Wicklen after 1803) .


He appears with one other boy under 16 in his household in 1810 (could this actually be his wife, Anne, and the tally just got placed in the wrong box?) and he is listed in 1812 with one female over 16 (presumably his wife, Anne)


Cornelius listed as having served in War of 1812-14 as seen in the Land Claim Certificates of Upper Canada Militiamen. It lists Cornelius Van Wickler, lst Flank Co., 1st Regiment.


Cornelius is not present in the 1815 census but reappears in 1816 with two young boys under 16.


From 1816 to 1823 the listing of males and females under age 16 in the household of Cornelius varies but most commonly there is one male (Sylvanus?) and 2 or 3 females.


Cornelius is listed as a member of the 1828 Northumberland County Militia.


In the 1839 Cramahe Township Census, Cornelius (who is now about 55) is listed with five males over 16, 2 females over 16, 1 male under 16 and four females under 16.


1838 and 1839 legal affidavits [see source section of Cornelius^5 Van Wicklin] clearly identify Cornelius as a son of Paulus^4 and Hendrickye Van Wicklin and sibling of Helena^5 and Garret^5, his eldest brother. These affidavits also establish that Paulus^4 indeed made it to Canada and made verbal statements on his deathbed [abt 1798] to the effect that Cornelius could claim his land [Lot 10, Concession 8] if he looked after Hendrickye, his mother.


An 1840 Land Transaction lists Cornelius and his wife, Anne. An 1842 land transaction does lists his wife but it is "lined through," suggesting that she was separated from him or deceased by that time.


Another Cornelius, son of John^5 Van Wicklin, can be found in Seymour Twp in the 1871 Ontario Census--as can Miles Van Wicklin, s/o John and Margaret (Carr) Van Wicklin

Jan/John^5 Van Wicklen


b. 1761, Wolver Hollow, NY


married Christina Traver in 1785


Jan and Christina have at least 12 children (Maria, Rebecca, John, Elisabeth, Adam, Christina, Sarah, Catherine, Cornelis, Dirck, Clara, and Jacob all born in Dutchess Cty, NY (exception of John b. 1788 in Rensselaer, NY)


John is mentioned in the 1790 US census.


By 1810, John is in Cramahe Twp, Canada with his children who are under the age of 16.


The 1812 census lists one male over 16 (John), one female over 16 (Christina), four males under 16 (Cornelis, 13; Dirck, 11; Jacob, 8; and ____?) and one female under 16 (Clara, 9)


Census information remains fairly similar through 1818


1819 Cramahe census lists 2 males over 16 (John, 57 and Cornelis or Dirck?) one female over 16 (Christina, 56) and one male under 16 (Jacob, 16)


By 1821, Rebecca Van Wicklen, second oldest child of John and Christina, appears in Cramahe Twp in the household of Hugh Montgomery. They are "removed" to Murray Twp by 1822


By 1821, John Van Wicklin, Jr., age 33 appears as head of household in the Cramahe Twp census. In 1822 he is listed with wife, Margaret Carr, age 19. By 1823 he is removed to another twp.


Hugh and Rebecca Montgomery and John Van Wicklen, Jr. presumably migrated from Dutchess County around 1820-1. Possibly they were tending to land still owned by their respective families in that area.


Richard and Jacob Van Wicklen, presumably the two sons of John and Christina, serve in Northumberland County Militia in 1828.


Before 1838, Jacob Van Wicklen, youngest son of John and Christina, marries Mary ___ and they have a daughter, Sarah, b. 1838


By 1871, Jacob and Mary reside in Elgin, Malahide Twp.

It is hoped that we will be able to add more detail to this migration pattern as more information is uncovered. There is much more that could be added if one begins to trace the location and migration of Isaac's son, Garret and his children and grandchildren; Cornelius son, Sylvanus, and grandson, Lorenzo and family; and John's children Miles, Gates, Rebecca, and Perry.