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VW Civil War Pensioners

The information below was researched and compiled by Harry Macy, Jr. from National Archives microfilm T288, General Index to Pension Files 1861-1934. 

Most of the VWs listed here have not been tied to their respective family pages because generational information is missing that would make that connection possible. I believe Mr. Macy has some of this information and he has been graciously supplying it to me as time permits. If family lines are known by Mr. Macy, they can be found in red after each individual entry. 

The first number is the pension application file number; the second is the number of certificate issued. Names are in alphabetical order by last name. 

Vanvickle, Henry (located) Co. A, 90th Ohio Inf  4-14-1879 (as invalid), #267621, cert. 175589 

Van Wickel, Walter T. CINC. Inf 11 June 1925, #1520335, cert. 1273757, Vermont Remarks C2-376-101 [not sure what "remarks" means but it occurs in several entries] 

Van Wickle, Benjamin Seaman, Hitchcock Research 6-22-1888, #13357 

Van Wickle, Clyde R. 4th Troop, 5th US Calvary, Co. A, 5th Missouri Inf  1-26-1899, #1217920, cert. 1291939, Missouri 
Remarks C2-359-959 

Van Wickle, Edson W. (located) Co. D, 33rd Wisconsin Inf 
applied 2-17-1879 (as an invalid) appln #267887, certif. 187775 
widow Olive W filed 4-4-1888, appln #371112, certif. 248129, from Wis. 

Van Wickle, William B., widow Mary A. Co. C, 13th Michigan Inf 
widow applied 6-28-1907, #372337, cert. 635584, Michigan 

Van Wickle, William P. Co. C, 13th Michigan Inf 6-26-1885, #543475, cert 406507 

Van Wicklen, Abram (located) Co. B, 158th NY Inf 4-25-1884, #511801, cert 339293, NY probably Abm^7 (Dan^6, John^5, Jacob^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) 

Van Wicklen, Daniel, widow Julia (located) Co. F, 87th NY Inf, F, 40th NY Inf, A, 3rd Wisc. Cav., Unassigned Recruit, same Cav. 
8-21-1884, $520681, cert 652704, from Kansas widow #663934, cert 507272, Kansas Dan^7 (John^6 L., Dan^5, Jacob^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) 

Van Wicklen, David, widow Annie (located) Co. K, 90th NY Inf 
widow 12-12-1905, 839975, no cert., NY (for his own, see Van Wicklyn below) 

Van Wicklen, Edward (located) Co. L & B, 2nd NY Cavalry 
8-14-1890, #875430, 1052315, NY probably Edward^7 (Jacob^6, Jacob^5, Jacob^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) 

Van Wicklen, Garret, widow Lydia R (located) Co. K, 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry 4-18-1899, #695814, 4811780, NY (See Van Wicklin below for his own application) 

Van Wicklen, Jacob (located) Co. F, 139th NY Inf 9-14-1892 #1131098, Cert. 1029766, NY Remarks C2-546-740 possibly Jacob^7 (Abm^6, Dan^5, Jacob^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) 

Van Wicklen, James (located) Co. C, 158th NY Inf 
10-10-1891, #1064576, 796621 widow 6-12-1919, #1142429, 875535, NY James^7 (Dan^6, John^5, Jacob^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) 

Van Wickler, Daniel, widow Sarah Co. F, 158th NY Inf 
widow 27 July 1865, #103532, 83302 

Van Wickler, Daniel, minor Thomas H. Co. D, 158th NY Inf 
6-15-1871m #196890, 15503 

Van Wickler, George, father Foster VW(located) Cos. H, I, K, 90th NY Inf father 5-25-1898, #687041, 487942, NY (applying on basis that son was sole means of support) George^9 (Foster^8, Cornelius^7, Evert^6, prob Evert^5, Fred^4, Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) George enlisted in the Union Army on 9 November 1861 from New York.

Van Wicklin, Benjamin Co. E, 73rd Indiana Inf 4-27-1880?, #339275, 2388237 (Calumet, mustered out 1 July 1865) 

Van Wicklin, Garret Co. B, 42nd NY Inf 8-25-1882, #458292, no cert., NY 

Van Wicklin, Garret (see Van Wicklen above)(located) Co. K, 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry 2-1-1883, #471283, 916002, NY Garret^7 (John^6 L., Dan^5, Jacob^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) 

Van Wicklin, Paul, widow Nancy J. Co. K, 36th Illinois Inf 
he 11-7-1863, #35649, 25009 widow 1-21-1888, #366562, 303218, Ill. 

Van Wicklyn, David (see widow Annie above)(located)Co. K, 90th NY Inf 1-23-1890, #750652m 573904, NY David^8 (Cornelius^7, Evert^6, prob. Evert^5, Fred^4, Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) 

From Index to Compiled Service Records of Conferate Soldiers, National Archives microfilm M253 (these are service records;
there was no federal pension system for these men) 

Vanvickle, William, Pvt, Co A, 5th Missouri Infantry 

Van Wickle, Charles R., Pvt, Co. A, 1st Louisiana Inf 
(he was mentioned in report on Jacob Charles Van Wickle) 

Edson W. Van Vickle Union 33rd Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry 
Walter M. Van Vickle Union 36th Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry 

Index of Awards on Claims of the Soldiers of the War of 1812

Daniel, Hendrick, Isaac, and Jacob Van Wicklin are all listed as
receiving awards for their claims connected to service in the War of 1812.